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Kitchen Renovation Tips: 5 Amazing Strategies

The kitchen is the heart of the home, where meals are made, and memories are shared. It’s a space that nourishes not only our bodies but also our relationships. As we focus on designing or renovating our homes, the kitchen renovation deserves special attention. At DCID, experts in interior design in Marbella, we understand the importance of crafting a kitchen that seamlessly blends functionality with style.

In today’s homes, kitchens have evolved into multifunctional spaces where families gather, cook, work, and unwind together. With a larger footprint and an open layout, modern kitchens facilitate seamless interaction and flow. When embarking on a kitchen renovation project, it’s crucial to consider not just the materials and aesthetics, but also the practical aspects that contribute to creating a beautiful and functional kitchen. Let DCID guide you through the process of designing a kitchen that perfectly complements your lifestyle and enhances the heart of your home.

1. Plan your kitchen renovation goals:

Before you start the renovation, ask yourself questions like: What are my goals for the space? How much can I spend? What can’t I live without? Planning is essential to make sure you can stay on budget and get everything that you want. Every kitchen and each family are unique in its must-haves, so spend some time outlining your ideal space.

2. Storage:

Designer kitchens look sleek and minimal, but kitchens also need to be practical. Consider how much storage you’ll need and plan accordingly. You can use cabinets, drawers, and shelves to store your kitchen items. Organize your cabinetry to store breakfast foods and bowls near the breakfast table. Keep foil, plastic wrap, and containers near a work surface for wrapping leftovers. Locate dishware and flatware near the dishwasher to ease the process of unloading.

3. Accessibility:

Kitchen renovation

Ensure everyone can participate in the happy times. To make your kitchen more inclusive, consider a ground-floor plan that places the oven, drawers, and shelves at an accessible height. Lowering countertop height and leaving adequate space for walkways allows ease of movement for wheelchairs, strollers, or walkers. A kitchen remodelling project is the perfect time to design with accessibility as a priority, especially if your home was not initially built that way.

4. Technology:

Don’t underestimate the value of new gadgets in taking your kitchen from typical to top-notch. From installing smart taps in your kitchen to having a smart trash can, it is important to have a modern kitchen if you are remodelling. Kitchen items like refrigerators, dishwashers and ovens are constantly changing as well. New products, concepts and designs are entering the marketplace every year. Kitchens are also becoming more environmentally friendly, using recycled materials and eco-friendly functions. So, you could say it´s a win win for both environment and the family to renovate and make the kitchen exactly as we want.

5. Standard clearances:

When creating your kitchen remodelling plan, it’s important to adhere to standard clearances for fridges, ovens, cooktops, and sinks. Always allow min 40 cm of countertop on either side of a cooktop and refrigerator. Make sure the sink has at least 60 cm of counter space on one side and at least 40 cm on the other side.

Take into account the space between the sink, refrigerator, and the cooktops. If you draw a line between these three items, the sum should not be less than 360 cm and it should never be higher than 660cm. This is called the Work Triangle (by Parker Morris) and it is based on research in ergonomics, time, and motion studies in the kitchen.

Another one is that we should always place a working area between the sink and the stove. All working areas in the kitchen should have at least 110 cm free area in front of them. The ideal working height or countertop height for kitchen work is normally between 85 and 95 cm. But of course, these are some of the roles, in every case you need to evaluate the possibility to apply them as well or not.

I hope this information is useful for your kitchen renovation project. If you are looking for assistance with your kitchen design, don’t hesitate to contact us at DCID. We will be happy to help you in any way we can.

Lots of love!


Sabina Dubberöd

Sabina Dubberöd

Interior Designer & Project Manager DCID

Sabina Dubberöd is a product and interior designer with a passion for creating beautiful, personalized spaces. With a background in engineering and over 15 years in project management, she blends creativity with structure to deliver unique designs that evoke emotions and enhance environments. Sabina helps her clients craft their dream homes through holistic solutions, leadership, and an eye for color and form.


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