About us

DCID was founded with the mission of helping our clients create space for their wellbeing, comfort and harmony. We see each of our customers with new eyes and a unique way of solving their problems and needs.

Our endeavor is to design spaces for wellbeing through holistic design. We strive to create spaces that suits the individual person or family in every detail by taking all the aspects of who they are, what they like and how they will use the space in consideration right from the start.

Then by applying a holistic interior design approach to the space, we aim to create harmony and wellbeing for the people that are going to spend time in these environments. Through continuous communication and collaboration with our clients we together create spaces to thrive in.

Our core values are responsibility, creativity, and passion. They reflect expectations of how we handle our daily tasks and who we are.


Dare, Advance, Deliver


Explore, Create, Innovate


Engage, Inspire, Have fun



My name is Sabina Dubberöd and I help people create their dream home. I am a product and Interior designer.

My Story

When I was a little girl, I was always impressed by beautiful places. It could be a nice house, room or garden that somehow left me with a certain kind of feeling. I loved visiting old castles and mansions where it smelled lovely, and the environment was special. These childhood memories are something that has shaped me even today.

I started my career as an engineer and knew I wanted to have a creative job. My passion has always been to create and solve problems. After university, I ended up in the industry where I went from being an engineer and designing industrial products to being a project manager and manager for over 15 years. But in the end, I chose to follow my heart and my passion, I graduated in interior design and started my business. Now I get to work with what I really love – creating beautiful environments with my customers.

My Reason Why

Design and art are about emotions. It’s about the artist helping us to feel. The same applies to beautiful environments and objects. They tell a story that is beyond words. They awaken emotions and affect us in different ways depending on our experiences and life situation. What I’m passionate about is helping people with environments that are right for them. For example, we become more creative in an environment with warmer colors and more efficient if we have plants in our environment. The list is long with how our surroundings can affect us and our lives. And that’s what I’m passionate about – to see my customers happy and amazing!

My Superpower

Ever since I began my career as an engineer and product designer, I have had the ability to see the holistic view of a project and pave the way to get there. I always start by visualizing the end goal and then I break it down into smaller sub goals to succeed with the project. Project management has also taught me a lot about leadership over the years and I know the value of what my team can deliver under good leadership. So, you can say that my “Superpower” is to be able to make it all come together and deliver creative solutions through good leadership and an eye for colors and form.



My name is Christian Dubberöd, and I am running the administration and back office at DCID, as well as working as a financial consultant.

My Story

When I was young, I figured that it was either as a lawyer or something within finance that was my future career. I quickly discovered that I had a knack for calculations and remembering numbers and quick thinking, but not so much a big fan of meticulous reading and remember law texts… Fast forward ten or so years I started my studies in Economics at Handelshögskolan in Gothenburg and I haven‘t regretted that choice since!

My Reason Why

I find it enjoyable to start in an environment where there truly is work to be done. I do not believe I add especially much in a stable and saturated organization where everything runs like Swiss clockwork. On the flip side, when there is uncertainty, a lot of questions flying around, less and less patience with the current state of reporting packages et cetera, now this, this is my court! I feel most inspired when my knowledge and skills as a financial consultant can create tangible structural capital for companies, and perhaps most important, aligning the Finance team in a more organized and efficient manner to ensure the improvements remain after my departure.

My Superpower

Being able to sift through heaps of data and methodically structure both processes and systems from disorder to order, in a way that makes sense in a crisp manner. I have a knack for turning numbers in the background to understandable visuals for decision making time!

