Legal Advice

Legal Notice and General Terms and Conditions

Scope of application.
This document establishes and regulates the rules of use of the website (hereinafter the “site”), and includes all the pages and contents owned by Dcid Design S.L. which are accessed through the domain and its subdomains, as well as the general conditions of contracting sales from our online shop.
The use of the site confers the condition of user of the same and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this text. The user undertakes to read it carefully each time he/she intends to use the site, as it may be modified without prior notice and without limitation. The texts may always be revised by the user.
The use of our online shop, either as a simple visitor or as a registered member, and/or the following of all the steps foreseen to acquire products through the same, as well as its application; implies the full and unreserved adherence of the user to each and every one of the general conditions published on the website.
These Conditions shall apply from the beginning of the online purchase procedure of the product until the reception of the shipment, as well as from the end of the legally established withdrawal periods and guarantees, as applicable.

Ownership of the website and notifications.
Any notification or contact should be addressed to the owner of the website, which is Dcid Design S.L..
Address: Calle Víctor Jara 18, C.P. 29130, de Alhaurín de la Torre.
CIF: B06857262.
It is registered in the Mercantile Register of Malaga, Volume 6047, Book 4954, Folio 213, Section 8, Page MA161773, I.1ª.
Telephone: 637549398

Intellectual and industrial property.
The intellectual property rights of this site are owned by Dcid Design S.L., or by third parties with its authorisation. Likewise, all trademarks or distinctive signs contained on the site are protected by law.
The unauthorised use of the information contained on the site, or the unauthorised reproduction, distribution, commercialisation or transformation, in whole or in part, of its contents , constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of Dcid Design S.L.. The damages caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights may give rise to the exercise of the corresponding legal actions and, if applicable, to the liabilities arising from this exercise.
In the event that the products and services in our online shop are subject to Intellectual Property protection, Dcid Design S.L. guarantees that it is authorised to manage the purchase and collection of the product from the consumer.

Exclusion of liability.
The customer must evaluate the content, programmes, information and/or advice expressed on this site and make their own purchasing or contact decisions. We would like to reaffirm that we will take all appropriate security measures, according to the current state of the art, to prevent third parties from making fraudulent use of the website, but we cannot avoid 100% the existence of certain risks.
Likewise, we will try to ensure that our contents are accurate and unequivocal, avoiding typographical errors that may exist in our offers or services, and in case of detecting them, they will be modified as soon as possible, giving notice to customers in case of having purchased with any error.
We may publish content or services provided by third parties or companies provided that we have made the relevant checks, whose content is truthful and accurate in accordance with current regulations. At the same time, we advise users to act with prudence and consult the general conditions of these websites.
Although we take all necessary security measures, our responsibility is one of means, not results, and we cannot therefore guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the website that may cause alterations to your computer system. For this reason, and as we use all the means at our disposal, we decline any contractual or extra-contractual liability with users who make use of the site, and have damages of any nature caused by computer viruses or other elements of any kind: The guilty party will be the one who caused the attack. If you detect any problem or illegitimate content on our website, please let us know.
Users who send any type of information to Dcid Design S.L. undertake to ensure that it is truthful and does not infringe any third party rights or current legislation.

Terms of use for users.
Access shall always be free of charge, except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the user.
It is forbidden to use the site for purposes harmful to the property or interests of Dcid Design S.L. or third parties or that in any other way overload, damage or render useless our networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or computer products and applications (software); or those of third parties.
If the user becomes aware that the linked sites refer to pages whose contents or services are illegal, harmful, denigrating, violent or contrary to morality, we would be grateful if you would inform us.

Description of products and services and their responsibility.
Through the portal, consumers or users can purchase products. These products are categorised, and by selecting one, the information available on the product, its characteristics, utilities and price, and one or more descriptive photographs appear on the screen. Technical assistance, after-sales services and other commercial guarantees that may assist the customer, if any, may also appear.
Before contracting the service, the user must check it and assess whether it meets his or her needs. In addition, the user must be at least 18 years of age, provide the necessary data and accept these Conditions.
The fact that the user fills in the order form does not imply the automatic acceptance of the order by Dcid Design S.L., but it will be understood that he/she accepts it when an e-mail acknowledging the request is sent to him/her.

Purchasing procedure:
The customer must follow the instructions on the screen and add the products to the cart, without any commitment to purchase. You can view the cart or empty it by deleting items.
If you wish to continue with the purchase, you must accept the purchase in the order button, accepting the legal notice and conditions, as well as those particular conditions that this particular article has in its description.
Subsequently, if not previously provided, the customer will be asked for their personal information with fields marked with an asterisk, which are mandatory for a correct shipment. The customer can choose whether to pre-register or continue without registration.
The customer can check whether the data is correct and, if necessary, correct any incorrect data by clicking on the “Edit” button.
To complete the purchase process, you must click on the “buy now” button (or a similar expression), which entails the purchase with an obligation to pay.
If there are help pages during the process, these will give the customer extra information about the purchasing process.
When a purchase is formalised, and once payment has been received and checked and acceptance of the purchase has been confirmed by email within 24 hours of purchase, the product is sent. In the email, we will give specific indications of when the estimated delivery of each product will take place.
The contract ends once the goods have been delivered, although guarantees and data are retained for legal and commercial reasons (if you have accepted them).
We shall not be liable for any other damages, whether actual, consequential, indirect or otherwise, nor for any loss of profit suffered by the purchaser as a result of problems arising from the sale and delivery of the products and services.
Dcid Design S.L. shall not be liable for delays, inaccurate or erroneous publication when caused by events or circumstances beyond its control, including, but not limited to, governmental action, fire, flood, insurrection, earthquake, technical failure, hacking, riot, explosion, embargo, legal or illegal strike, shortage of personnel or material, transportation disruption of any kind, delay in work, or any other circumstance beyond its control.
For any further information about your order or billing you can contact the Customer Service Department via the email account provided at the beginning of the order.

Delivery deadlines and modalities:
The delivery time varies depending on the supplier and will be detailed in the breakdown of the order, check the deadlines carefully. It can be accessed from any operating system, platform or browser. If you have a problem, please contact us.
Modalities: home delivery or collection point delivery.
Where transport is available at the time of purchase, shipping costs will be indicated depending on the quantity purchased.
Dcid selects the most suitable means of delivery and carrier for your package, depending on the volume of your items.
Manufacturing defects must be reported within two weeks.

Price and method of payment.
The price of the products and services is defined in Euros, and will be that established on the corresponding pages of the site for each product, being valid for as long as they remain accessible on the website.
Our payment service provider is Stripe and the method of payment for the good will be via: credit card, cash on delivery, paypal and bizum.
If payment is made by credit card, the card will be charged via bank POS. All commercial transactions are carried out in a secure server environment under SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer), and the PSD2 regulation (Payment Services Directive EU 2015/2366), which guarantees the security and privacy of your data.
Applicable taxes are included in the price of the product.
Shipping costs are shown separately in the shopping cart, and the user must check and accept before placing the order, the costs involved in sending it to your address, as they vary depending on the size and weight of the product or place of destination.
In general, Dcid Design S.L. will send confirmation of receipt of payment by email.

The guarantee of the products is three years from the date of receipt of the same, set out in the receipt of the corresponding courier service, which the user signs on delivery. In the case of second-hand products, it will be 1 year.
The warranty entitles the user to repair the product or replace it with a new one (except for consumables or second-hand products), reduce the price or terminate the contract.
In the event that Dcid Design S.L. alleges that a form causes a disproportionate damage and with the consumer’s agreement, they may choose the one they agree upon.
During the six months following delivery of the repaired product, we shall be liable for the lack of conformity that led to the repair, it being presumed that it is the same lack of conformity when defects of the same origin as those initially stated are reproduced in the product.

User obligations.
The commercial use of products and services with a registered trademark is expressly prohibited, unless expressly authorised by Dcid Design S.L., or by the owner of the Trademark.
The user undertakes to pay the price of the product and to use the product in accordance with the law and these general terms and conditions.
You agree to keep your password confidential and to notify us immediately if you suspect any unauthorised use of your account or access to your password. Furthermore, you undertake not to use the account, user name or password of another person.

Obligations of Dcid Design S.L.
It undertakes to provide the user with the necessary information regarding the products and, once the purchase has been made, to send him/her a confirmation by email, stating that the order has been received and confirming the payment.
An invoice shall also be drawn up and provided to the consumer electronically.

If you are not satisfied with the products and services purchased in our online shop, you have the right to withdraw from the contract by returning your purchases in accordance with the following paragraphs.

In the event that you have purchased a good composed of multiple components or parts, the withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days from the day on which you or a third party indicated by you, other than the carrier, received the last component or material.
In the event that you have contracted for the periodic delivery of goods during a specified period, the withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days from the day on which you or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you received the first of those goods.

Once we have received the goods, we will credit you both the principal amount and the shipping costs you paid at the time, however, the shipping costs incurred by the return will be at your expense.
The consumer shall be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods other than what is necessary to establish their nature, characteristics or functioning.
The consumer must communicate their desire to withdraw by any means admissible in law through the means provided at the beginning of this text, as well as proceed to the return of the product by parcel post, bearing the costs of such return. By returning the package to the address, we understand that this right has been exercised, although we provide a withdrawal form downloadable at the end of this text, the use of which is not mandatory.
Once we have received the return communication (if applicable) and the product being returned, we will proceed to refund the money paid, including taxes and shipping costs of origin, within a maximum of 14 days, without any discount or penalty. The refund will be made by the same means by which you paid, unless you tell us otherwise.
The user will only have to reimburse an amount for the diminished value of the good, which is a consequence of its use not in accordance with the agreement or the characteristics of the good, for reckless damage caused by not following the maintenance instructions of the good, or for wilful damage.
In the event that the return is due to product defects, the legal rights and guarantees on defective products are applied in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation to that effect, and the company will be responsible for the shipping costs.
The right of withdrawal is only valid for consumers, including legal persons and unincorporated entities acting on a non-profit basis in a field outside their trade or business. Traders or entrepreneurs who purchase goods in the course of a trade or business are not entitled to the right of withdrawal.

The user shall be fully responsible for the use made of the products purchased, and exonerates us from liability for any damage that may be caused by improper use.

In particular, it shall be responsible for:
All acts that contravene the provisions of these general conditions, the law, morality, generally accepted customs and public order.
Any act performed in a manner different from what is stated in the indications or instructions on the operation and use of the product.
The certainty, accuracy, validity and timeliness of the data with which you fill in each of the forms that we require on the web.
Direct or indirect damages caused by any third party if the user lost, disclosed, neglected or, in any way, let a third party know for attributable causes his personal data necessary for the contracting of the product.

Power to refuse the request.
Dcid Design S.L. reserves the right not to allow the purchase of the product or not to provide the service, when it considers that the current regulations, the general conditions, morality, generally accepted customs, public order; when a third party is harmed, or when for reasons derived from the image and reputation of the website it does not consider it appropriate. In this case, if payment has been made, it will be refunded.

Information and modification.
Dcid Design S.L. has exposed this text to the generality of the possible interested parties, before they could contract the products and services, complying with the previous information.
The temporary validity of these terms and conditions coincides with the time of its exhibition, until such time as the terms and conditions stipulated herein are totally or partially modified unilaterally, the user being obliged to consult our General Terms and Conditions and the specific terms and conditions of the products and services each time he/she accesses our online shop.
If any clause is declared null and void, it shall be deemed not to have been included without affecting the rest of the conditions.

Assignment and subrogation.
We may contract service providers, and collaborate with or assign the contracts formalised to third parties, to carry out the supply of all or part of the products to which it undertakes by virtue of the different operations that are formalised. You can find an updated list of our service collaborators in the recipients section of our privacy policy.

Extinction and termination.
This contract will terminate when both parties fulfil the obligations to which they commit themselves in this contract or when it is terminated by one of them if any of the causes for termination occur, or if the other party seriously breaches any of the obligations established in the contract.

Applicable law, jurisdiction and validity.
This Legal Notice and the General Terms and Conditions of Contract are established in Spanish-Spanish language, and are governed in each of its ends, by the Spanish legislation.
As a consumer you are protected, and you can complain or sue from your home.
Both parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Alhaurín de la Torre (Spain), in the following cases:
That the purchasing party is domiciled outside the European Union and in that country there is no bilateral or multilateral agreement with Spain that prevents the possibility of establishing the express submission of the jurisdiction;
If the sale is made by a company acting in the course of its business or professional activity.

Statute of limitations and non-conformity.
Consumers have up to five years to exercise their rights in case of non-conformity. In case of non-conformity, you have up to two years to inform us that the digital good, content or service does not conform to the contract.
If it is foreseeable that the service will evolve while it is being provided, we will inform you prior to purchase.

Online Dispute Resolution.
In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), we inform you that as a consumer, you have at your disposal a procedure for resolving various disputes arising from the online sale of goods and services in the EU.
EU ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) Platform:

Download Documents:
You can download this text here and the cancellation form here
